Thursday, June 3, 2010

Simply Lemonade

I am embarking on a quest to add some more advertising style shots to my portfolio.
Most of the images currently in my book are of people. People are my favorite subject matter to shoot, but they are only one aspect of what I photograph.

In an attempt to diversify, I made a list of shots that I am going to be attempting. Product shots, food shots, landscapes, architectural shots, things of that nature.
To kick things off, I spent a few hours creating this shot:

It took several hours of testing and experimenting with light and positioning before I got it the way I liked it. But it was all worth it.

Let me just add a note here for those of you who are amateur photographers. This shot cost me a total of $10. Don't think that because you don't have the funds that an ad agency has that you can't create some cool concepts and some great sample images. It just takes some creative thinking.

I'll post some more about this photo soon, along with some behind-the-scenes shots.
Hope all is well with you, my friends!

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