Saturday, February 7, 2009

Basketball Profile prt 2.

As our first attempt at shooting Dominique was rushed and cramped, we spoke with the Journalism professor and he spoke with the basketball coach for us. He agreed to let us use the locker room during the whole next J.V. game so that we would have more time. We shot a few group shots with a slightly different lighting setup, then got down to business and shot Dominique for about 10-15 minutes. I must say these shots were much better than the first set we did.

Here is one of my favorites from the shoot:

He was pretty relaxed for this one, and we got a lot of good images to chose from.
In addition, I got a couple of good action shots during the game. We went with completely separate sets of lights this time. Both were on separate pocket wizard channels (one of which was 100% mine) so the light recycle time was much better.

Here are two that I like:

Hope you like the images.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Basketball Profile

My good friend Mike and I were speaking to a friend of Mike's who is the Journalism teacher at Richardson High School and he wanted us to come in and work with him on lighting up their gym for athletic events, and shooting games.

We were planning on doing a 3-light setup, with one light being on the wall behind the goal, and the other two either side of the gym aimed back towards the basketball goal. However, as we were setting up the light behind the goal one of the players came over and seemed very unhappy about the fact that a light was going to be going off in his face. So, we took it down so as to avoid being told we could not shoot at all.

After a few test shots with the 2 lights, we more or less had the light that we wanted, and the game started. However, after shooting the first quarter, we decided it would be better to have a 3rd light for fill. During half time we snuck the 3rd light back up to where it was originally, and went back to our shooting positions. Nobody said anything to us, and our photos were lit much more evenly.

Once I had tried to capture a few action shots I remembered why my camera was not necessarily the best suited for fast action sports photography! So I got a bit more creative with it.

One of the players is 17-year old Dominique Dorsey. At first you wouldn't notice anything about him that is different other than the fact that he is one of the team's better players. But you would quickly pick up on the fact that there is something amazingly special about this young man. He was born with meromelia (a medical term describing absence of part of an arm or leg).

When we heard that he was one of the best players on the basketball team at RHS, we had to set up a quick session with him. Unfortunately, it was between the JV and Varsity game, in the locker, and we only had about 4 minutes before all the players and coaches were breathing down our necks to get out of the way so they could change and get ready.
I did manage to squeeze this shot out though. And we are already working on getting Dominique for a more serious session, hopefully with no one waiting impatiently for us to get out of their way!

The Dallas Morning News came an visited RHS a few weeks ago and did an interview with Dominique. To read it, click here

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