Friday, October 30, 2009

Tim & Melinda

I had the opportunity to do engagement photos this past weekend for two couples.
Both shoots were blast and I found some new cool locations that I'm sure to use again soon!
Here are a few of my favorite shots from Saturday evening with Tim and Melinda.

Stay tuned for more photos!

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Arizona Day 2

Day two of the Arizona shoot started at 5:15am. We were set to do a sunrise shot at about 6:15 or 6:30 so we had to be moving at an unfriendly hour!

The building's colors lend to great photography, especially with the nice orange light of the morning.

After the sunrise we went inside and photographed the president of the hospital and his staff.
We found a great hallway with a lot of light coming through and got some great head shots.

The day ended with a sunset shot of the building with the mountains it was named after in the background.

Busy day, but good stuff!
More to come

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